Photos: Myself
Shirt: Old Navy, Shorts: Old Navy, Shoes: Nine West
Influence [in-floo-uhns] Something that affects one in any waySurrounding [suh-roun-ding]: Everything around one that can be sensed One's surroundings affect how he or she lives his or her life, and ultimately, how he or she views the world. These can influence whether one lives to advance the thoughts and plans for positivity of the world, or lives to disrupt the harmony that is present in places. From the moment a person is born, he or she absorbs the actions and viewpoints of his or her surrounding atmoshere or culture. However, people control the way they live their own lives. Once older, a person gains a knowledge of worldly conflicts and events through education and can make his or her own decision on how to react to this information. When given the right tools, one can and will use his or her energy towards promoting or attempting to alter situations the world is in currently. People are drawn to places and groups where they are most able to be their true selves. This ideal comfortable surrounding influences how they present themselves, approach situations, and interract with others. In fashion, one's surroundings are key to one's personal take on the way he or she dresses his or herself. Not only do general settings affect this personal style, but culture, people, jobs, and ways of life have the same effect. Overall, one's personal style and fashion aren't simply controlled by what he or she feels comfortable wearing each day; rather, style is forever affected by one's surrounding influences. Photos: A combination of formal accessories with a casual outift and a natural (field) setting.Please feel free to tell me what you think about my thoughts and/or photos!